Tuesday, November 13, 2018


 Me: helping set up to show "The Girl Who Wore Freedom" Trailer at Peoria, IL Honor Flight Breakfast November, 2018

I worked out this blog entry while jogging my 3 miles for the day.  Though, now sitting here before the page, thoughts aren't falling in place as smoothly as I'd like. Nonetheless,  I think it's safe to say, "The Girl Who Wore Freedom" documentary may change my life forever.  Assisting my daughter, Christian Taylor,  at the Peoria Honors Flight Breakfast this year has challenged me to rethink how important it is to comprehend how loudly the vast effects WWII  resound into our generation today.

This morning a line from Shakespeare's, "Julius Caesar," came to mind.  In his eulogy to Caesar, Marc Antony said, "...The evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones." Certainly  history has embodied some truly evil human beings.  So, how do we, individually and collectively, insure the good we all know occurred during WWII does not get interred with the bones of those who heroically gave their lives for liberty and freedom? 

  "The Girl Who Wore Freedom," a WWII documentary produced by Christian Taylor , and a really top notch production crew of creative, talented, and dedicated artists, presents a new way to look into the good accomplished by the sacrifices made while showing the pathway for others to follow in order to achieve that great task.  That approach is directly juxtaposed to those WWI and WWII accounts commemorating the death and destruction of those wars by recalling the explicit details of  evil events during those wars.

"The Girl Who Wore Freedom," production crew and reenactors - Normandy, France 2018

I was born in 1946. As a young child I remember being afraid our small town would be bombed.  Where I lived, people were building bomb shelters.  My father was a WWII veteran. Most of the people I heard speaking about the war were as well. Somehow,  maybe by just internalizing the tone of those conversations, I implicitly understood the slogan, "Peace At Any Price Is Not Peace," and it certainly doesn't produce freedom or liberty.  "The Girl Who Wore Freedom," documentary brings that truth to new light through its' emphasis on how deeply the French people of Normandy remember and celebrate their freedom from tyranny.

Christian Taylor introducing "The Girl Who Wore Freedom" story trailer to members of the Illinois Young Marines as they meeting with WWII Battle of the Bulge veteran.

"The Girl Who Wore Freedom" documentary is scheduled for it's first screening during this years 75th D-Day anniversary in Normandy, France.  Christian introduces the documentary by describing it as a love story between the French people and their American liberators.  Every year during the D-Day celebrations the French shower love and attention on the returning WWII veterans to express their appreciation for liberating the French people, their culture, and national heritage from becoming an permanently occupied German nation.

You're invited to participate in the production of this documentary.

View the trailer here

Saturday, July 1, 2017


                                             photo credit: vicki l sullivan

It's always a good day to exercise. If it's nice enough to be outside (and that's a question some will differ on) then Runner's World gives  a few good thoughts to know before getting "out there."  The article is written to speak to track running though really they apply to all venues.

Happy 4th America!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


87 hot and humid degrees this morning at 10:00 - breaking into the summer heat is not easy but feels so good and is great for health.  I must admit to being a little out of conditioning for jogging in the heat but trust in years of running, walking, and jogging to come into play when needed. And, take note,  they do and will!  My 2nd oldest granddaughter is certainly a great example for willingly soccer conditioning in the  90 degree afternoon sun and heat. She's a real star in my book!

Summer exercise does take getting used to - staying well hydrated, wearing comfortable, breathable clothing, and good shoes will go a long way toward helping a person want to get out again to enjoy the same challenge.  Lately, I've visited with several area runners who are wearing Brook's shoes and believe in them as much as I.  I think that's quite an accomplishment for the company's rep.

Brook's has presented us with awe-inspiring new adaptations on their shoes and gear as exemplified in the newest and latest Glycerin 15 . This shoe is  touted by Brook's to be, "The ultimate in supreme softness and comfort." Truly, I have no doubt what Brook's advertised is factual!

                                                              GLYCERIN 15

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


McMinnville Civic Ctr Trail - 11/01/2016

Would you believe the word on the trail this morning was over 1000 people participated in a Walk-About Trick-Or-Treat last Halloween evening and this morning this is the scene?  I did see about 5 small pieces of candy wrapper stuff thrown about,  and that was it folks!  There were gaboodles of families towing kiddies about all running everywhere and yet the park was not trashed out!  Now that's IMPRESSIVE! 

Beautiful morning to jog my 2.77 mile this morning and finally to see the sugar maples begin to take on some color.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


While reading, "Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas," I happened upon a truism stated within the text.  It read, "A body that tends by its natural appetite to its place is moved all the more vehemently and rapidly the nearer it approaches it's end."  We see this truism all throughout Mother Nature especially as the year evolves through it's cycle. Autumn beginning  it's change into  Middle Tennessee is a great and glorious example of a  natural progression. 

I was born in October and entering into life must have had a good beginning because I rejoice in this time of year and running is especially enjoyable for as the weather cools and colors begin to change, time seems also to slow to show it's appreciation to and for all living things and people.

I've been watching a new John Wayne type western series lately. "Longmire," features a Wyoming lawman and his quest to keep the peace in a typical midwestern small town beset by today's standard of problems which are everywhere.   One takeaway I've gathered from the series so far is how important it is to make sure one's faith is in the right place. My Runner's Credo, "Hold A Steady Pace And Keep The Faith" speaks to my having put my faith in Christ as the one true God and how I run my particular life race. 

Behavior is one thing. And, circumstances will often change that. Heart belief is totally another.  I love running and I love my Lord Jesus Christ! 



Monday, September 5, 2016


photo credit@vicki l sullivan, 2016

Everyone who routinely challenges the environmental elements by running will soon discover there are welcome AND unwelcome moments along the miles trek.   These past few days, as August has evolved into September, I've welcomed the change of some little cooler weather and the awe-inspiring honk of migrating geese making their morning flight to the river.

The familiar sound of their honking always takes me back to my growing up in the Mississippi Delta.  My home was located on a lake jutting off the Mississippi River and those autumn days were filled with happy, comforting memories of watching the geese flying in to land on the lake in front of the house, a warm fire in the fireplace, and Mom's fabulously delicious chili.

The welcome moments during a run make the struggle worth the effort.  Much like mentally girding for holding steady through the next line of traffic, the unwelcome moments are nothing more than a challenge to hold pace and keep on moving.  There will always be the negative challenges appearing in the environment; and yes, even from people passed along the way. 

That's life. Both experiences have been a part of the run every year (since 1985)  I've been a runner. Can't wait to hear the geese tomorrow!

Friday, August 19, 2016


 photo credit@vickilsullivan, 2016

What commonalities exist with, new Brooks, running, and roadside corn?  Well,  other than my experience out this morning while jogging along Post Rd, not much.  I mean, really, there is corn growing alongside the road and even one stalk is now sprouting corn.  Once upon a time, when running with my Little Rock, AR marathon master runner sister, we happened upon roadside trees laden with ripe bounty and did stop to gather all we could carry.  Since the trees were not on private property but along the city curb, we figured we were helping keep the mess to a minimum.  Well, that was the reasoning at the time anyway. 

Personally, I would really love to see communities show their appreciation for those hardy souls who set good examples through running/jogging/and or walking by installing roadside fresh water fountains!  We outside exercise enthusiasts who take to the streets are first line folks helping to build and maintain safe communities for everyone! We're up early and out there in the early morning, all day, and even late into the night getting in those few or many miles which provide for us a clear mind, healthy body, and calm, disciplined, stable life outlook.  I can just see them now with nice little welcoming plaques saying, "Thank you for helping keep our city safe and healthy." 

Ok, now about my new Brooks Glycerin 14's. Have a look!  

My first impression was the design construction seems more contoured than the Glycerin 13.  And, the tred  application is a whole new approach from past models.  

Glycerin 13

My style is to hit first on my heel and then roll forward. The 14's design, though a full 1/4 inch more narrow, to me, seems to ride with better support.  Now, the Glycerin shoe is a neutral support shoe. Still though the construction gives great support with little to no wobble when the heel strikes ground.

Again, I find I have to laud Brooks Running for a great new shoe upgrade AND apologize for going to a competing brand for a season.  I thought the extra padding of the competitors shoe might add to the comfort.  But, instead, I caused a tendon pull in my knee and was out of it for 6 months. 

I'm pleased to be back in Brooks shoes and out on the road Running Happy!