Thursday, July 28, 2016


Brooks Summer 

Uh, the posting McMinnville Civic Center Trail on the path states, "NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES WALKING TRAIL."   And, though the trail is also open to joggers, runners, and etc. the, "NO MOTORIZED," rule should be absolute.  That's for the safety of everyone because motorized vehicles present known risks.  I often encounter bikers and others out there enjoying being on wheels - usually they are well supervised by parents, etc. though not always.  That's when the awesome park staff offer a most important part. They're there to make sure the safety of all park participants will enjoy the park. 

For us runners, and joggers (that's me), here are the Runner's Etiquette rules we need to employ at all times shared by Angie Spencer of the, (yes, I'm actually thinking about training for a marathon run.) 

My Favorite Rule 1 - Pass on the left whenever possible and ALWAYS give the person you're passing the warning before you pass.  Usually said, "Passing on your left."

This is my favorite rule today because I was reminded of it when passed by a rude stealth runner this morning.  Angie notes, and I quote, "This is especially important if you're running early in the morning or in the evening." That's probably because she also carries pepper spray or mace.