Friday, May 8, 2015


Fitness begins at conception and continues throughout the lifespan.   Certainly research has shown us that at least!  In fact, everything runners/joggers/walkers need to know was learned in the womb.

Now that's a perfect kick-in to this Sunday's , May 10th, 2015 Mother's Day . 

photo credits@Wikipedia Public Domain

All of us Mother's who have carried babies in the womb know babies first begin to run, jog, walk, and kick while in the womb.  : - )   Little steps, maybe, but it all begins there.  Happy Mother's Day everyone! Have a great day!

 Here in Middle Tennessee the warm days of spring and summer's advent are upon us. Temperatures are in the 50 early in the morning and reaching up to the 80's already!  Additionally, there is an excellent crop of runners/joggers/walkers out and about the area enjoying the beauty which abounds in Warren County TN many of whom will be participating in the Viola Valley Half.  I was by there the other day on the way to a granddaughter's soccer game.  Check it out if you like - the fields look good, (well, understatement - they're truly a glory to behold!)  and the wide country road is waiting.

Many start their running days right here at McMinnville Civic Center -

photo credit@vicki l. sullivan 5/8/2015
Stuff you ought to know.
Top Ten Running Surfaces And WHY

BTW:  I brake for schoolbuses. Being hit by a car is one option but a schoolbus?  You gotta be kidding.  It is really incredible how many people driving vehicles are determined to make the runner pass before them when they are turning or entering the road.  Really folks, here's what goes through a runner's mind in such a situation or any like situations. "Are they really going to stay stopped? Are they seeing me?  Will their foot accidently slip off the brake just as I am passing in front of them? Gad, ok they're waving me past.  Maybe this time I'll let that go and go on."  

The incidents of runners, etc. the like being hit, side swiped, bumped, and what not is just too high.  And given the pedesterian has the right-of-way, drivers just most often are the most likely not to pay attention.  So when I wave you on, PEOPLE go on. I'm watching the road.  You can believe I am watching the road.

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