Thursday, May 5, 2016


Chicago's Magnificent Mile

Last week began with a flight into Chicago for a visit with my oldest daughter, Christian.

Christian is a VoiceOver actress and Producer. She was scheduled to do a voiceover recording in Chicago.  The office view above is from the reception/lounge area of the company where she was recording. And, there is where my education about the REAL CHICAGO began. Christian loves Chicago...and it seems, Chicago loves her! 

You see, like many folks, I only know what I read on the news about Chicago and unfortunately, the absolutely, positively, beautiful, family city gets a pretty big negative image portrayed. For several years now, whenever Christian would brag about Chicago, I would privately ask myself, what was so great about Chicago given all I heard was the negative.  Then, the past 2 days I have been seeing the Chicago my daughter and her family brag about all the time; the side making Chicago the great American city that it is today.

And yes, this blog is about running, jogging, and walking for that is what I've been doing to become acquainted with The Magnificent Mile along Michigan Avenue, Millennium Park, and onto WRIGLEY STADIUM, and those superb CHICAGO CUBS!  

Day 1. After finding our parking and fast pacing it up to the studio for the recording, we set out for lunch at Grand Lux Cafe.  I was comfortably impressed by the quaint, and elegant Victorian family  atmosphere and the food was superb. The Grand Lux has successfully brought the past forward into today's food culture while maintaining the ambiance and old world feeling of yesterday's grand dining rooms. 

Lunch was relaxing, delicious, and just the right pregame experience for what followed.  We arrived at Wrigley Stadium early, like 3pm for a 7pm game.  The weather was cold, windy, and with wind predicted to be 15 mph.  I took my first and most comfortable LYFT ride back to surburbia and Christian and her youngest son set off to the game. 1 hour before the game it was canceled due to rain.

Day 2.  Day 2 took us back into Chicago's Wrigley Field for the afternoon CUBS game. I was given a heavy coat, snow boots, a hat, scarf, gloves and told to wear them because it would be cold. Uh, it was more than cold!

I admit, after all the news had given me to believe about Chicago, I was more than a little apprehensive about walking around and getting into the stadium. I mean, I've been in sports stadiums before for sports games and they weren't so great. But right off from the very first gate greeter, I was firstly, and repeatedly surprised by the warm, courteous Wrigley Field staff, the cleanness of the environs, and the absolutely bouyant ever prevading  attitudes and spirit of the people.

Well, I thought, that was just getting into the gate. But, no. This was turning out to be a family event for everyone for family is what  best characterizes attending a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. I didn't encounter a single rude response. No pushing or shoving while getting to our seats and the folks selling anything and everything were all filled with  smiles, thank you's, and helpful attitudes.  Our lunch meal in Wrigley's Diner was characterized by all the same even though packed with excited Cub fans. I was astounded!  And the game had not even begun! 

I have concluded Chicago's HUB and the very essence of family life revolves around Wrigley Stadium and the Chicago CUBS. Somehow what has grown up around the Cub's culture is plain solid core Americana at it's very best.  I took a day or so to absorb and truly process the experience, but in retrospect, my take on it was like, "WOW! I had walked into the very heart of Chicago and was experiencing it's beat and lifeblood flowing through every one present."  Only after I so described my experience to my daughter did she recommend I watch the 2009 John Scheinfeld DVD production of "We Believe: Chicago and It's Cubs."

As if to substantiate my dawning awareness and acquaintance with the REAL CHICAGO, while walking back from warming (did I say, it was very windy and freezing?) in the Ladies Room many floors down (more hill walking), Christian looked up at the game monitor to see what the crowd was roaring about. In astonishment we saw her son, Jacob being congratulated by the surrounding Cub fans.  Even for a lauded LaCross player, the CUBS announcer said he had just made an spectacular, "one handed snare,"  of a foul ball hit by Tommy La Stella.

Well, that's about the gist of my 2 days in downtown Chicago.  Now, I do truly better appreciate the city and so appreciate it's grand and graciousness hospitality.  Thank you Chicago!  Maybe, just MAYBE this will be the year the CUBS again win the WORLD SERIES.  I  am rooting and praying for you CUBS!

And by the way,  love the suits! 

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